Ruth Sharp Altshuler Basic Needs Fund
This vital fund provides predictable, year-after-year funding for our basic needs grants, enabling United Way of Metropolitan Dallas to support North Texas families in times of crisis. The fund supports emergency shelter, food assistance and domestic violence intervention and is named in honor of the late Ruth Sharp Altshuler, a longtime United Way supporter and one of North Texas’ most dedicated philanthropists.

Results & Impact
partially funded through the fund
million in funding
distributed to these organizations in our 2022-2025 grant cycle
North Texans
served by organizations supported by the fund last year
The Ruth Sharp Altshuler Basic Needs Fund is supported by these generous contributors:
- Dr. Bob and Jean Smith Foundation
- Carolyn and David Miller
- Sammye and Mike Myers
- Margot and Ross+ Perot
- Kelly H Compton
- Peggy Dear
- The Robert H. Dedman Family
- Hamon Charitable Foundation
- Sarah and Alan Losinger
- Margaret McDermott+
- Valerie and Lewis McMahan
- Caren Prothro
- Carolyn and Karl Rathjen
- Deedie Rose
- Jennifer and Ed Sampson
- Marianne and Roger Staubach
- Mary and Richard Templeton
- Dee Collins Torbert
- Lize and Bill Armstrong
- Marilyn Augur
- Jeanne Whitman Bobbit and Rhodes Bobbitt
- Rebecca Wolfson Bruder
- President and Mrs. George W. Bush
- Brent Christopher
- Richard H Collins
- Dean Corbitt and Fred Penn
- Jeanne and Berry Cox
- Mary Anne Cree
- Betsy and Bennett Cullum
- Linda and Bill Custard
- Betsy and Richard Eiseman
- Louise Eiseman
- Regen and Jeff Fearon
- Rebecca Fletcher
- Judy and Jim Gibbs
- Kathleen and Robert Gibson
- Margo and Bill Goodwin
- Louise Griffeth
- Nancy and Jeremy Halbreich
- Jan and Fred Hegi
- Roger Horchow
- Caroline Rose Hunt+
- Kathryn F. Hyland
- Gene and Jerry Jones
- Caren and Pete Kline
- Joan and Irvin Levy
- Paul and Linda Ludden
- Bobby B. Lyle
- Julie Macatee
- Nancy Cain Marcus
- Sara and David Martineau
- Linda and John McFarland
- Janie McGarr
- Suzanne and Patrick McGee
- Ruth Ann Montgomery
- Alice and Erle Nye
- Susanna and Van Ogden
- PNC Bank
- Nancy Perot
- Sarah and Ross Perot, Jr.
- Joan and Robert Pollock
- Gigi Potter-Salley
- Katherine and Eric Reeves
- Lizzie and Dan Routman
- Peggy and Carl Sewell
- Marcia Regan Shannon
- Gay and Bill Solomon
- Helen Storey
- Bonnie and Doug Thompson
- UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Alinda and James Wikert
- Barbara and Don Zale
- Lyda Hill
Explore Our Other Programs
We create, lead and invest in initiatives that improve access to education, income and health.
Dollars for College
Expands access to affordable, long-term college savings accounts for low- and moderate-income families.
Community Financial Stability
Provides families with tools and information to increase savings, improve credit scores, reduce debt and avoid predatory loans.
Pathways to Work
Creates innovative solutions for moving workers into good jobs and building a strong pipeline of skilled employees.
Women’s Workforce Initiative
Provides women with social support and training so they can secure work in high-growth industries.
Southern Dallas Thrives
Creates impact in Southern Dallas by providing healthy meals, quality childcare, career opportunities & resources to ensure students succeed.
Community Loan Initiative
Increases access to credit for North Texans who otherwise may turn to high-cost payday and auto title lenders.
Narrative Change for Affordable Housing
We’re changing the public narrative around housing, with a goal of increasing support of affordable and subsidized housing developments..
Invest in
Lasting Change
Together, we can improve access to education, income and health so all North Texans can thrive.