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with Us

When we speak up, united, we can make lasting change a reality in North Texas. Join us as we advocate for policies that will improve education, income and health, expand opportunities for our neighbors and drive systemic change.

Make Your Voice Heard

Voting in every election is one of the easiest and most effective ways to advocate for improved access to education, income and health in North Texas. Visit our election information and civic engagement page to learn more.

Find Your Elected Officials

It’s important to know which elected officials represent you so you can quickly contact them during key advocacy efforts. Click below to visit the Texas Tribune’s directory of Texas’ new political districts, where you can enter your address to discover who represents you, learn about the districts they represent and find out how to contact their offices.

Sign Up for Advocacy Alerts and Policy in Brief Monthly News

Stay up to date on our current policy priorities and get notifications on when and how to contact your elected officials.

We can absolutely affect change through advocacy. I donate money or invest my time, but that’s only going to go so far. With advocacy, it’s changing policies that can last for years and affect numerous people.

Neena Newberry, Former United Way Advocacy Committee Chair and Women of Tocqueville Member

Creating Generational Impact

Improved Child Care Safety

Working with allies from across Texas, we advocated for multiple bills to drastically improve child care standards and reporting, which prevents abuse and neglect in these facilities.

Prevented Child Abuse

We spoke up for HOPES and Nurse-Family Partnership, programs that prevent child maltreatment, helping them secure $1.5 million and $2.9 million, respectively, for the next two years.

Advocated to Help Feed Seniors

We advocated to simplify the application and renewal process for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which 90% of eligible seniors say is too daunting to complete.

Reduced Evictions During COVID-19

We led community-wide efforts to keep thousands of families in their homes during the height of the pandemic.

View our recommendations for preventing evictions moving forward.