Digital Bridges
This program distributes laptops and hot spots to students and young adults across Southern Dallas to enable them to access education, further their learning and stay connected in the classroom and beyond. Through our partnership with Compudopt, the laptops come with two years of warranty and bilingual technical assistance.

Tens of thousands of households in Southern Dallas lack broadband service. Digital Bridges seeks to improve access to digital technology so more North Texans—especially people of color—are equipped to succeed in school, find and keep good-paying jobs, and access the health resources they need to thrive.
Results & Impact
distributed last year
completed digital literacy classes last year
North Texans
impacted last year
distributed last year
completed digital literacy classes last year
North Texans
impacted last year
Digital Bridges is a partnership with
AT&T • Texas Instruments • Richard and Mary Templeton Foundation • The Eugene McDermott Foundation
Invest in Lasting Change
Together, we can improve access to education, income and health so all North Texans can thrive.
Explore Our Other Programs
We create, lead and invest in initiatives that improve access to education, income and health.
Character Playbook
Encourages students to build values and character with the support and involvement of NFL players and representatives.
Dollars for College
Expands access to affordable, long-term college savings accounts for low- and moderate-income families.
Healthcare Navigators
Supports North Texans who are looking for health insurance through the Marketplace, Medicaid or CHIP.
Help Me Grow NTX
A free family support line that promotes child development by connecting North Texas families with community-based resources.
Healthy Outcomes through Prevention & Early Support (HOPES)
A parenting education program that empowers parents to create homes where children can thrive.