A Year of Hunger Relief in Southern Dallas
Access to nutritious meals is a key component of a healthy life. Good health affects all areas of life, impacting everything from how well a student ca…
North Texas Summer and Supper Council Makes Sure Kids Don’t Go Hungry
The North Texas Summer and Supper Council hosted its first in-person summer meals kickoff event Wednesday for the first time since the pandemic started.
Preventing Childhood Hunger This Summer
When the school year ends, tens of thousands of North Texas students rely on summer meals programs to access regular nutritious meals and to keep hunger at bay…
Family Connects North Texas Expansion
A Proven Approach
Based on the Durham model, Family Connects is an evidence-based program rigorously evaluated with proven outcomes for improving maternal a…
How Social Factors Impact the Health of North Texans
In many areas of North Texas, where you live can have a huge impact on the quality of education your children receive, the types of jobs available to you, and…
How Technology and Innovation Can Help Improve Access to Healthcare
On Tuesday, Oct. 20, we held the Health Innovation Technology Challenge awards event, where we brought together local health care leaders, technology experts a…
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Awards $1M in Health Innovation Technology Prize Funding
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas awarded $1 million in prize funding to the winners of its Health Innovation Technology Challenge at a virtual event on Oct. 1…
Expanding Access to Health Care
Hear Daniel’s inspiring story about why he works to ensure everyone has access to the care they need.