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On Thursday, May 12, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas invited supporters and partners to gather at The Star in Frisco for a very important celebration: our …
When the school year ends, tens of thousands of North Texas students rely on summer meals programs to access regular nutritious meals and to keep hunger at b…
This April, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas proudly hosted our annual Bench & Bar event, featuring a panel of local legal experts from some of North T…
This month, tens of thousands of graduating seniors across North Texas are preparing to take their next steps into the world. The stakes are high for each in…
These and other obstacles keep many North Texans from achieving financial security, which can also impact their educational opportunities and health. April i…
A Proven Approach Based on the Durham model, Family Connects is an evidence-based program rigorously evaluated with proven outcomes for improving maternal an…
Innovating for the Greater Good Our overall mission is to improve access to education, income and health—key areas that we have identified as the building bl…
By: Ben Swanger For the first time since 2019, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas’ signature social innovation event, The Pitch, was held in person. And takin…