News & Updates
¡Inscríbete Hoy en un Seguro Médico Asequible!
Déjanos Ayudarte Hoy Con el apoyo de nuestros guías certificados, es fácil encontrar el seguro médico correcto para ti y tu familia. Regístrate hoy. Y un Guía…
Bridging the Digital Divide
Watch our video showing the impact of our Digital Connections program, which provides free laptops and hotspots to students in Southern Dallas.
Engaging Students with Hands-on Learning
Watch our video showing the impact of Heal Play Learn, a hands-on learning program that encourages social and emotional wellness, creativity and more.
Health Navigators Expand Health Access
Need health insurance? Enroll by Dec. 15 to ensure you and your family are covered starting Jan. 1, 2023. Get assistance here Texas has been called “the…
The Targeted Eviction Prevention Program
Earlier this year, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas launched an innovative new pilot program that seeks to address a long-standing problem. The Targeted Evict…
Cedar Hill Students Have Fun While Learning at STEM Fest
By Dionne Anglin CEDAR HILL, Texas – Nearly 200 Cedar Hill students left the classroom to have a hands-on learning experience at STEM Fest at JoLynn Madd…
All Eyes on Austin: Our Health Policy Pre-Briefing for the 88th Texas Legislative Session
In preparation for the 2023 Texas legislative session, which begins Jan. 10, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas recently partnered with the United Ways of Tarra…
Get Ready for Election Day with the Texas Voter Bill of Rights
We hope every North Texan will make a plan to vote in the Nov. 8 General Election (or during early voting, which begins Oct. 24). Casting your ballot for races…