Dear Family of Supporters,
It is an exciting time at United Way of Metropolitan Dallas!
Thanks to you, we have soared past our ambitious $100 million Unite Forever Campaign goal and secured unprecedented support to endow our community impact work in perpetuity.
$100 Million. And Change. Quite a bit of change!
Your generous investments built our endowment – a full three years ahead of schedule – and will fuel our continued focus on outcomes in education, income and health. Your passionate commitment also established two important funds for building a stronger Dallas in perpetuity: one focused specifically on the needs of women and children and the other on basic needs and emergency services – a community safety net for the unexpected.
Last evening, we celebrated the extraordinary generosity of some of our most storied supporters. Generations of Dallas civic leaders, philanthropists, corporate partners, community advocates, and volunteers who have given consistently to United Way Dallas through the years – and now boldly to our endowment campaign to ensure that giving continues beyond their lifetimes.
When these $100 million investments are fully secured, the endowment will spin off $4.5 million or more as it grows each year. Forever. Only Seattle’s United Way, United Way of King County, will have a larger endowment.
Absolutely essential to our success has been the galvanizing and forward-looking leadership of our United Way Board, led by Charlene Lake, and our United Way Foundation Board, led by Terri West, alongside our fabulous Unite Forever Co-Chairs Mary Templeton and Ed Galante and their team of highly committed Vice-Chairs, whose support energized us to do what many thought was impossible.
Yes, we have accomplished much together. And we applaud you, our community, for your outpouring of generosity, support, and demonstrated belief in our strategic vision to Unite Forever.
On your shoulders, we now stand poised to look intensely at the future. And as we march toward our second century of service and Centennial anniversary in 2025, we also embrace the future – walking hand-in-hand with you to achieve our Aspire United 2030 community impact goals so that all North Texans have opportunities to thrive.
These are historic moments for United Way Dallas and our United Way Foundation. And you are an integral part of this rich history. Together we will build a better future for our children and their children to live, work and raise families in North Texas – this cherished community we call home.
Yes, your United Way stands strong. Yes, we aspire to do more. And together, we will.
Jennifer Sampson
McDermott-Templeton President & CEO