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Fighting for Equity in Southern Dallas

My dream is for an equitable, safe and healthy North Texas.

Ashley grew up in Southern Dallas and saw first-hand how systemic inequities can hold entire communities back. Since a young age, she knew she wanted to help tackle the challenges that affect North Texans—like lack of access and opportunity in the areas of education, income and health—to create a more equitable community for everyone.

Today, Ashley is an active and vocal supporter of the Live United movement, because it creates greater equity in the very neighborhoods that will benefit most from the opportunity to thrive.

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A Chance to Improve Equity

Learn more about Alex, who Lives United to create the change she wants to see in the world.
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Creating Career Pathways

Watch our video showing the impact of Pathways to Work, a workforce development program that improves access to middle-skill jobs in IT or health care.